Írland eins og viđ í vandrćđum međ banka - ákv. tekin um ađ skipta upp Anglo Irish, báđir helmingar lagđir niđur á 4. árum!

Fimmtudaginn 8. september, tók ríkisstj. Írlands ákvörđun um ađ skipta Anglo Irish, stćrsta banka Írlands, upp í 2 hluta. Í öđrum hluta verđi skuldirnar en í hinum innistćđurnar. Međ ţeim hćtti verđi innistćđueigendur varđir fyrir frekari áföllum, frá vaxandi fj. slćmra skulda innan skuldapakka hins nú sáluga Anglo Irish.

Ţessi breyting hefur engin áhrif á ţá 100% tryggingu írskra stjv. á öllum innistćđum á vegum írskra banka, hvar sem innistćđueigendur er ađ finna. En, í ţeirri tryggingu lá einmitt gríđarlegur kostnađur, ef ákvörđun hefđi veriđ tekin um ađ leggja starfsemi Anglo Irish ađ fullu niđur ţá ţegar, en ţá hefđi ţurft ađ greiđa út allar innistćđur bankans, sem hefđi veriđ mjög stór fjárhagslegt áfall fyrir írsk. stj.

Samt sem áđur, eru vandrćđi Anglo Irish búin ađ vera mjög stór myllusteinn um háls írskra stjv. Ţau eru ákveđin í ađ koma honum frá, eitt skipti fyrir öll.

En, vandrćđi Anglo Irish höfđu ágerst í seinni tíđ, ţrátt fyrir mikinn peningaaustur írskra stjv. fram ađ ţessu, og bankinn virtist enn á ný stefna fram af hengiflugi. Stjv. sáu sitt óvćnna.

Međ ţessari ađgerđ á međ öđrum orđum ađ lágmarka kostnađ fyrir írska skattgreiđendur, hugmyndin er ađ bankinn verđi endanlega aflagđur, en ađ álaginu ţ.e. kostnađinum af ţví, verđi dreift yfir 4 ár.

Vandrćđi bankans, voru farin ađ valda írskum stjv. verulegum vandrćđum á skuldabréfamörkuđum, ţ.e. vaxtakrafa fyrir 10 ára bréf, var víst komin upp í 6% - sem er algeng viđmiđun og taliđ sársaukamörk, allt umfram 6% taliđ merki um ađ markađir telji viđkomandi ríki á leiđ í ţrot.

Ţannig, Írsk stjv. urđu ađ bregđast viđ og ţađ međ mjög ákveđnum hćtti. Síđan verđur ađ koma í ljós, hvort ţessi ađgerđ mun skila tilćtluđum árangri, ađ losa mjög erfiđann myllustein af stjv. og skattgreiđendum, og hjálpa stjv. ađ ná stjórn á ástandinu - og einnig um ađ sannfćra fjárfesta um ţađ ađ Írland ráđi viđ sín vandamál!


Sjá fréttaumfjöllun:


NY Times: Investor Fears Force Split-Up of Irish Bank

"In an era of global banking excess, Anglo Irish was one of the most reckless lenders, funneling the bulk of its loans into the country’s real estate market. When the market crashed, so did Anglo Irish, prompting a government takeover...Of the $96 billion in loans on Anglo Irish’s books when the government stepped in, only about $15 billion are receiving payments, according to bank management."

"According to widely read research by Barclays Capital, for a country to borrow at a 6 percent rate of interest is “unbearable” and represents a prelude to a bailout or rescue — especially if cheaper borrowing is made available from the rescue fund."

"In the case of Greece earlier this year, the country quickly began to lose the confidence of the markets once its borrowing costs surpassed 6 percent."

"“It’s déjŕ vu all over again — but this is different from Greece,” said Daniel Gros of the Center for European Policy Studies in Brussels. If Irish banks “can’t refinance themselves, the numbers get very big very quickly,” he said."

"Mr. Gros pointed out that loans to depleted Irish banks from the European Central Bank were about 40 percent of the country’s G.D.P., a dynamic that he contended was unsustainable and would ultimately lead to Ireland seeking assistance from Europe and the I.M.F."

Bloomberg: Anglo Irish to Be Split as Ireland Seeks ‘Finality’

"Standard & Poor’s last month said Ireland may have to pump as much as 35 billion euros ($45 billion) into Anglo Irish, which collapsed last year as the country’s property market slumped. Ireland is seeking to resolve the issue as its sovereign borrowing costs soar on concern the weight of bank bailouts will cripple the nation."

Guardian: Anglo Irish Bank split in two

"Mike Aynsley, Anglo Irish Bank's chief executive, said clarity from the Irish government on the future of the bank may help stem a decline in deposits. Customer deposits fell by about €4bn to €23.1bn in the first half of the year."

Huffington: Ireland Will Split Troubled Anglo Irish Bank In Two

"Finance Minister Brian Lenihan said Wednesday,,,noting that Anglo owes euro72 billion to depositors worldwide, particularly in the United States, where Anglo-owned properties are lying derelict or bankrupt from New York to Florida. "If we let those deposits go, we let Ireland go with it. We would do fierce damage to our economy," Lenihan said in an interview. "If we closed Anglo tomorrow, 72 billion would be owed and must be paid out immediately, and the taxpayer cannot afford that.""

"Lenihan said the "good" splinter of Anglo would become a deposit-only bank "completely separated from Anglo's loan assets."...The bad bank would gradually dispose of Anglo's largely dysfunctional book of loans to Ireland's construction and property barons, many of whom went to the wall after Ireland's runaway property market burst in 2008."

"And the European minister for competition, Joaquin Almunia, signaled Wednesday he would accept the government's plans for splitting Anglo too."

"The stunning failure of Anglo – which recorded more losses than any other bank worldwide in 2009 and appears on course to do the same this year – has been eroding international confidence in the ability of Ireland to keep financing and paying its own mounting national debt."

"On Wednesday, 10-year Irish treasuries were commanding premiums of 6.05 percent, some 3.8 percentage points above German bonds – just off Monday's Irish high of 3.91 points dating back to the creation of the euro."


Magnađur lestur - ekki satt?

  • "The stunning failure of Anglo – which recorded more losses than any other bank worldwide in 2009 and appears on course to do the same this year"
  • "In an era of global banking excess, Anglo Irish was one of the most reckless lenders, funneling the bulk of its loans into the country’s real estate market. When the market crashed, so did Anglo Irish, prompting a government takeover"
  • "Finance Minister Brian Lenihan said Wednesday,,,noting that Anglo owes euro72 billion to depositors worldwide, particularly in the United States, where Anglo-owned properties are lying derelict or bankrupt from New York to Florida."
  • Of the $96 billion in loans on Anglo Irish’s books when the government stepped in, only about $15 billion are receiving payments, according to bank management."
Takiđ eftir - 84% útlána voru í vandrćđum - ţegar bankinn lenti í fanginu á írskum stjv.
Bankinn var svo hruninn, ađ ţ.e. ekki hlćgilegt.
Ég held ţetta sé enn lćgra hlutfall nothćfra útlána, heldur en í tilviki hinna hrundu ísl. banka. 
Eins og ţarna kemur fram, útlána tap hans er stćrsta útlána taps nokkurs banka í heiminum áriđ 2009.
Ef síđan er lesiđ neđan úr Sunday Times, ţá kemur skýrt í ljós ađ hegđan Anglo Irish var ótrúlega svipuđ hegđan stjórnenda ísl. bankanna:
The Sunday Times: So much for a line in the sand

Last week, the bank’s new chief executive Mike Aynsley, an Australian, came closest to fingering why Anglo went so bad. “Hubris played a very, very big part,” he said.

Sean FitzPatrick, David Drumm and his followers became so enmeshed with entrepreneurs and enterprise, that they began to think and act as though they were entrepreneurs themselves.

These were bankers who forgot they were bankers. The bank board was stacked with Anglo executives, former executives or entrepreneurs. The dividing line between those who take risks, and those whose primary job was to manage, control and measure risk became blurred.

Brendan Murtagh is a classic example of Anglo’s attitude to risk. He was a director and large shareholder in Kingspan, the maker of insulation panels and floor tiles.

At the peak of the boom, Kingspan shares reached €22. Murtagh was a very wealthy man. He invested and became a key shareholder in a property company, Howard Holdings.

Anglo lent to Howard and took personal guarantees from Murtagh as security.

Kingspan and Howard were both exposed to the commercial property. So when the market turned, both Howard’s property assets and the Kingspan shares went in the same steep downward direction. Anglo’s “comfort” security was gone. It was poor risk management.

In many property deals, Anglo would lend to wealthy individuals to fund their equity participation in a syndicate. It would then lend the syndicate the money to purchase a property.

As a result, the loan to value on the deals was in effect 95%-100% and the bank was totally exposed to the fall in value of the property.

Brendan McDonagh, chief executive of the National Asset Management Agency (Nama), said last week that it was the emergence of these types of deals that led to the steep widening of discounts on loans transferred by Anglo and Irish Nationwide.

“In some cases where banks said they were lending at 75% loan to value, that ended up close to 100% loan to value,” he said.

He added that Nama is attaching no value to personal guarantees.

Maarten van Eden, Anglo Irish Bank’s chief financial officer, says that another big problem was that Anglo was lending-driven.

Rather than raising deposits to then lend to clients, Anglo did things the other way around. The bank went out and sought deals and then “back filled” with funding. And unfortunately for the Irish taxpayer, funding was both bountiful and cheap.

Aynsley tells the tale of a pub entrepreneur he met shortly after arriving in Ireland. The businessman did not bank with Anglo, but was courted by it.

He recounted to Aynsley how he was met at a pub auction by a Anglo loan officer with a cheque for €500,000 “for the deposit if you need it”.

Anglo has also made €5 billion of loan loss provisions outside of its Nama-bound commercial property book.

The bank has large exposures to entrepreneurs such as Seán Quinn and Barry O’Callaghan, of EMPG. In both cases, the bank’s security was limited and largely on the men’s shares in businesses.

The reason why the other Irish banks set off in pursuit of Anglo was not just the short-term impact of a year’s record profits, or the lure of commercial property. What AIB particularly feared was the loss of a generation of Ireland’s wealthiest business leaders to Anglo, a tectonic shift in Irish banking.

In the new Irish banking universe, there will be a different attitude to this kind of name lending and to risk. And not just at the new Anglo.



Ţ.e. ljóst ađ stjórnendur Anglo Irish voru í engu betri en stjórnendur ísl. bankanna. Lánastefna bankans eins og hér, virđist hafa veriđ áhćttusöm svo líkja verđur ţví viđ fífldirsku.

Ţađ má segja, ađ miđađ viđ hve ástand lánapakka Anglo Irish var, ţegar hann féll - ţá hafi megniđ af lánum bankans veriđ hrein frođa sbr. 84% í vandrćđum viđ hrun bankans.

Spurning hvort írsk. stjv. ćttu ekki ađ taka ţađ til fullrar athugunar hvort stjórnendur Anglo Irish, hafi veriđ međ skipulagt svind í gangi. En, miđađ viđ tölurnar ađ ofan, ţ.e. hve frođukennd lánin virđast hafa veriđ, ţá er klár ástćđa til ađ skođa mál bankans út frá ţeirri forsendu ađ um skipulagt svind hafi veriđ um ađ rćđa.

En, ég votta írsku ţjóđinni samúđ mína, en ţessum eina banka og stjórnendum hans, virđast vera nćrri ţví ađ takast ađ koma ríkissjóđ Írlands á hnén.

En, skuldabréf írskra stjv. rufu í ţessari viku 6% múrinn í vaxtakröfu fyrir 10 ára bréf. Ţegar ţetta gerđist snemma á árinu í tilviki Grikklands, ţá var atburđaráđsin hröđ.

Írskum stjv. hlýtur hćttan ađ vera ljós og sú ađgerđ ađ leggja Anglo Irish í reynd niđur, er klárlega ćtlađ ađ eyđa ţeirri óvissu. En, óljóst er hvort sú verđi reyndin, ţví ţó kostnađinum sé dreift á 4 ár, ţá verđur ţetta samt mjög erfitt.

Írsk stjv. eru međ hćsta hallann á sínum ríkissjóđi. Skuldirnar fara hratt hćkkandi. Ađgerđir til ađ stemma stigu viđ hratt minnkandi tiltrú fjárfesta verđa ađ vera ákveđnar og afgerandi.



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