Fasískir stuđningsmenn ríkisstjórnar Rússlands - í hávađarifrildi hvort: Frysta eigi stríđiđ í Úkraínu, her Rússa taki varnarstöđu, međan hinn hópur stjórnarsinna nefnir slíkt, landráđ! Vorsókn Rússa er runnin út í sand! Vorsókn Úkraínu, yfirvofandi!

Yevgeny Viktorovich Prigozhin, fer fyrir ţeim sem vilja -- a.m.k. tímabundiđ frysta stríđiđ í Úkraínu. Nýveriđ gaf yfirmađur Wagner Militia út ritgerđ - ţ.s. Prigozhin, ţvert á ţ.s. stöku Vestrćnir fjölmiđlar halda fram!
--Gaf út ţá stefnu, ađ Rússland ćtti ađ framhalda stríđinu í Úkraínu, eins lengi og ţarf til ađ sigur vinnist. M.ö.o. misskilningur sumra fjölmiđla byggist á ţví, ađ Prigozhin setti fram strámannn - m.ö.o. strámađur vildi semja um friđ, enda stríđiđ.
Ţetta misskildu sumir á ţann veg, ađ Prigozhin vćri ađ kalla eftir friđi.
Ţvert á móti, byggđi ritgerđ hans á ţví, ađ hafna öllum rökum um friđ.

Kall Prigozhin eftir varnarstöđu, tímabundinni sóknarpásu, byggist á ţeim rökum, ađ skv. mati Prigozhin - ţurfi Rússlandsher nú, ađ halda í ţađ liđ sem Rússlandsher enn á, til ađ mćta yfirvofandi sókn Úkraínuhers -- ađ mati Prigozhin, ţurfi nú ađ frysta sóknarađgerđir, herinn eigi ađ taka varnarstöđu, til ađ mćta sókn Úkraínu.
--Ađ hans mati, ţurfi síđan Rússlandsher ađ safna liđi ađ nýju, til ađ endurreist sókn geti hafist síđar meir, eftir ađ -- sókn Úkraínu hefđi veriđ stöđvuđ, brotin niđur.

Prigozhin vísar til samkomulags á nýlegum NATO fundi í Ramstein!
Sjá hlekk: Press service of Prigozhin.

  1. Let's talk about Rammstein-11: the supply of air defense systems is the first. Yes, indeed, it is important for Ukraine to protect its strategic facilities, including inside the country where we strike. The effectiveness of these strikes must be evaluated, but, nevertheless, they will protect.
  2. Secondly, the allies are conducting trainings and will continue to conduct them, which means that, as Germany said, 25,000 Ukrainian troops are being trained right now. This means that they have 25,000 seats. So it could just be a stream, and they would likely be able to easily multiply 3-4 times. So, the simultaneous preparation will be 100 thousand. 3-4 months for 100 thousand is a lot. Eight thousand completed and returned home - this is also not bad, although not a very large number.
  3. Their losses today are significant. But today we are killing those who were preparing in Ukraine, and these will come from Germany, they will be technologically educated. The West donated 230 tanks and 1,500 other armored vehicles. This is also a sufficient amount to provide serious opposition.
  4. Green light for the purchase through the NSPA - this means they will borrow as much as they want from anyone, America will pay for everything.
  5. And lastly, that the Americans, Europeans and the NATO bloc are ready to support them, also does not bring anything good for us.
  6. The statement that all NATO members are waiting for Ukraine to join NATO also does not bring anything good, which means that we must bristle. The jokes are over.
  7. It is necessary not only to anchor, but to anchor in such a way that it is possible to tear out only with the claws of the opponent.
  8. The second moment: when will the offensive of Ukraine? Ukraine constantly worries us that it is about to launch an offensive. This chip is called The Boy in the Lake. The boy screamed, screamed, screamed, screamed that he would soon drown, played mom and dad, and when he started to drown, they did not come. They are waiting for us not to tense up anymore, but think that they are morons, and do not react to their cries.
  9. Today, the offensive does not begin for quite understandable reasons: this is a monstrous slush. On the territory today, even pickup trucks do not normally pass through the fields, not to mention the Urals,(rússn. trukkur) heavy equipment, up to tanks. The soil still needs ten days to dry.
  10. When will they arrive? They will probably make their own decision, they don't inform me about it. But the fact is that they will attack. Therefore, we must be ready ten times, so that it does not happen again, as it was in 1941, when they chewed snot and reported to Stalin that everything was in order, there was an agreement with Germany. There is no contract and never will be. They will come and try to tear us apart, and we must resist. Mom will not come, mom died, so now they are on their own, as in an orphanage, for themselves.

Líkindamál Prigozhin um - akkeri - vísar til varnarstöđu.
M.ö.o. hann segir, rússn. herinn ţurfi ađ taka varnarstöđu.
Til ađ mćta yfirvofandi sókn Úkraínuhers.
--Nefnir hluti sem rökstyđja ađ sú sókn verđi stór.

Hiđ áhugaverđa, ađ ekkert í máli Prigozhin er órökrétt!

Ukraine war: Wagner founder Prigozhin accuses Russian officials of denying  ammunition to his fighters | South China Morning Post

Igor Girkin, fer fyrir ţeim sem hafna rökum Prigozhin um, tímabundna pásu!

Wanted Russian rebel Igor Girkin scorns MH17 trial - BBC News

Bloggarar er styđja Girkin, virđast nefna sig -- Ţjóđernissinna-klúbbinn!
Ţeir kalla eftir, sókn - sókn - sókn, hvađ sem ţađ kostar.
Auđvitađ árétta kröfur um allsherjar hervćđingu Rússlands.
--Ţeir saka Prigozhin, um ađ vilja friđ - sem er ekki yfirlíst stefna Prigozhin.
Girkin setur fram lista af spurningum, a.m.k. nokkrar ţeirra fela í sér áhugaverđa gagnrýni af hans hálfu, gagnrýni líklega her hefur stuđning innan Rússlands, fyrst ađ Girkin fćr henn ađ gagnrýna međ ţeim hćtti:

  1. - On what basis was under-mobilization carried out, if we do not have a war, and the so-called. SVO does not have any legal status? On what basis, in this case, are citizens who have left their military units brought to criminal responsibility?
  2. - Why is mobilization concerned exclusively with the issues of conscription of reservists for military service in the structures of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, and all other necessary components of normal mobilization (mobilization of security and law enforcement agencies, mobilization of industry, mobilization of transport, etc.) are not carried out from the word at all?
  3. Who determined the criteria for mobilization, which literally everyone who does not want to go to war could avoid? What mechanisms are provided (in the absence of the legal status of the SVO) for draft evaders into the armed forces? -
  4. Who specifically took the political Difficult Decision to leave the heavily fortified and successfully held Kherson bridgehead without a fight? On what basis was the territory of the Russian Federation surrendered to the enemy, together with the center of the subject of the Federation?
  5. Why not hear a single word in any of the federal media that this territory will certainly be liberated?
  6. And vice versa - why are direct calls to freeze the conflict at existing positions (Prigozhin, for example) not being pursued by the law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation as a call to violate the territorial integrity of the Russian Federation?
  7. Kherson is now no longer Russia? Who decided so? On what basis? -
  8. Where is the reaction of the highest bodies of state power to the facts of public statements by representatives of the highest authorities of the Russian Federation (Matvienko, Beglov) against the background of the flags of the state, whose authorities openly declare their desire to destroy the Russian Federation? -
  9. Why is concern for the preservation of the Russian people and the Russian language, declared by the president and top officials of the Russian Federation, does not apply to the territories of the so-called. Ukraine, where the indigenous Russian population for many years (and especially now) has been subjected to continuous cultural genocide? -
  10. What is the reason and what is the basis of the strategy of the RF Armed Forces, in which offensive operations are carried out almost exclusively on the territory of Donbass and result in months-long bloody assaults on the enemy's most fortified lines, while even the capture of these lines (which was not achieved in any way during months of fighting) is not leads to the defeat of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the surrender of the Kiev regime?
  11. Why are other strategic directions stubbornly ignored, where the offensive promises much more serious successes that can influence the outcome of the war?
  12. Why is the initiative completely given over to the enemy in these directions? -
  13. Where did all our latest military equipment, which was so boasted in the pre-war years, gone?
  14. Why are the T-54/55 tanks and D-20 guns, which were put into service during the life of I.V. Stalin, put into service at the front in combat units?
  15. Who scattered in huge quantities (as a rule - free of charge) much more modern unnecessary Soviet weapons and ammunition across Syria-Libya-Sudan and other African republics? Who should be responsible for this?
  16. Where are the promised combat robots? Where are the tens of thousands of Arab volunteers who are grateful to us for the assistance rendered promised to the President by the Minister of Defense? -
  17. How did it happen that Kazakhstan, literally a month before the start of the NMD, saved by our peacekeeping forces from a civil war, is increasingly quickly and openly moving into the camp of enemies of the Russian Federation, demonstrating growing Russophobia and gradually joining all types of sanctions? Who made the decisions to support exactly the group that (being nurtured by the Soros Foundation, which was well known) is now in power in Kazakhstan? What served as the basis for supporting this particular group, although there were others that were much more loyal to the Russian Federation?

Nokkur atriđa Girkin -- vísa til áhugaverđs sannleiks, sbr:

  • Takmörkuđ hervćđing, framkv. af ríkisstj. Rússl., virđist ekki hafa stöđu í samrćmi viđ lög Rússlands -- ţví ekki hefur veriđ lýst yfir formlegu stríđi.
    Girkin hefur líklega rétt fyrir sér, ađ ţar af leiđandi - sé líklega ekki stođ skv. lögum Rússl., ađ lögsćkja fólk fyrir ađ - mćta ekki skv. fyrirskipun um ađ mćta í samrćmi viđ fyrirmćli um takmarkađa hervćđingu.
  • Girkin, hefur allan tímann, krafist -- fullrar hervćđingar.
  • Hann er enn, mjög óánćgđur međ ákvörđun - tekin á sl. ári, ađ hörfa frá Kherson borg og svćđum í grennd viđ ţá borg. Hann ásakar ţá ađila, er styđja slíka frystingu stríđsins -- um ađ vilja, gereyđa rússneska sambandsríkinu.
  • Og hann, er bálreiđur yfir -- hugmyndum um ađ, tímabundiđ frysta stríđiđ af hálfu Rússlands, sbr. hugmyndir um ađ Rússlandsher taki varnarstöđu.
  • Og honum finnst skrítiđ, hve takmarkađar sóknar-ađgerđir Rússahers hafa veriđ sl. 6-8 mánuđi, ţ.e. einungis innan Donbas svćđisins. Og spyr, af hverju einungis sé ráđist á -- best víggirtu virki Úkraínumanna.
    (Ég viđurkenni, ađ ţ.e. raunverulega áhugaverđ spurning. Rússa-her hefur virkilega sl. mánuđi, ráđist beint ađ ţ.s. Úkraínuher, stendur ađ baki -- sterkum rammgerđum vígum. Hef ađ einhverju leiti áđur birt gagnrýni Girkin, á ađferđafrćđi hers Rússa. Enda rökrétt, hámarkar ţađ mannfalla og tjón Rússa, ađ einblína árásir ţ.s. andstćđingurinn er -- í sterkustu stöđunum. Ţess vegna tel ég Rússaher hafa beđiđ mikiđ manntjón, sl. 6-8 mánuđi, í ţeim árásum.)
  • Ég er sammála Girkin - ađ ţađ bendi flest til ađ, Rússa-her hafi tapađ nćr öllum sínum -- bestu vopnum. Girkin stađfestir fregnir ţess, ađ T55 skriđdrekar - frá valdatíđ Stalíns, hafa veriđ teknir í notkun.
    (Girkin er reiđur ţessu, en í leiđinni stađfestir hann ţ.s. upplýsingar úr öđrum áttum segja, ađ Rússa-her sé afar veiklađur -- sbr. mikiđ mannfall, gríđarlegt tjón á tćkjum og búnađi -- 70 ára tćki hafi veriđ tekin í notkun. Ţ.e. hvađ gerir reiđilestur Girkin oft áhugaverđan -- ađ hann í leiđinni veitir upplýsingar um stöđu rússn. hersins - um tjón rússn. hersins.)
  • Ţ.e. rétt hjá Girkin -- Kazakhstan er gengiđ úr röđum bandalagsríkja Rússlands. Ţ.e. einmitt afar merkilegur atburđur, sýnir hvađ stríđiđ veikir valdstöđu Rússlands.

Vandamál Girkin er auđvitađ -- hann vill ekki enda stríđiđ.
Hann er rasandi yfir afleiđingum stríđsins - sannarlega.
En, hann er í ţví blindstrćti ađ vilja, höggva dýpra í.
Í stađinn, ţ.s. vćri raunverulega skynsamt -- ađ Rússland hćtti ţessu stríđi.

Rússar ráđa í dag, ca. 3/4 af Bakhmut: 21. apr. 2023.


Vígsstađan í Donbas, hefur litlum breytingum tekiđ sl. 6-8 mánuđi!

  1. Allan tímann, hafa Rússar viđhaft stöđugar árásir -- sannarlega tekiđ e-h er nálgast 700 fer.km. af landi, hinn bóginn - engir stórir stađir falliđ.
    Mikilvćgustu virki Úkrínumanna í Donbas, standa enn.
  2. Fyrir utan, ađ Bakhmut, líklega fellur einhverntíma innan nk. mánađar.
    Orrustan um Bakhmut er í dag orđin lengri, en orrustan um, Stalingrad.

Spurningin er, hvađ grćđar Rússar ef Bakhmut?
Myndin sýnir, handan Bakhmut tekur borgarvirki viđ af borgarvirki í röđum!


Mér virđist flest benda til, ţó svo Girkin sé brjálađur fasisti, hafi hann rétt fyrir sér í ţví -- ađ stríđsstefna Rússa hafi ekki veriđ góđ!
Eins og Girkin benti ítrekađ á - orđalag Girkin var, ađ herstjórnendur Rússa hafi breytt sérhverju krummaskuđi í Donbas, í Verdun. Vísađi ţar til afar blóđugrar orrustu frá Fyrri Styrrjöld. Í ţví, virtist Girkin stafđesta, Fyrra Stríđs ađferđafrćđi hers Rússa.
M.ö.o. sí-endurteknar áhlaups árásir beint ađ borgarvirkjum Úkraínu.

  1. Sannarlega í 8 mánuđum af slíku blóđbađi, hefur Rússar-her nú náđ ca. 3/4 af Bakhmut, en líklega eftir manntjón -- er hlýtur ađ vera, nokkur tugir ţúsunda.
    Meina, í Bakhmut orrustum -- hafi Rússar líklega tapađ tugum ţúsunda.
    --Án ţess ađ taka tillit til manntjóns Rússa, í öđrum bardögum.
  2. Enginn veit manntjón Úkraínu -- ţ.s. Úkraína hefur varist í sterkum vígum, ćtti manntjón Úkraínu ađ vera minna. Enginn ađ sjálfsögđu veit hlutfalliđ.
    Einföld rökhyggja, annar ađilinn sćkir ađ -- ţeir hermenn rökrétt hafa minna skjól. Međan, varnarvígi -- veita skjól, annars vćru herir ekki ađ reisa, varnarvígi.
    --Ég meina, Rússaher einnig hefur reist vanrarvígi, Rússaher vćri ekki ađ ţví, ef varnarvígi, virka ekki. Augljóslega, ef varnarvígi virka fyrir Rússa, virka ţau einnig fyrir Úkraínu.

Sókn Úkraínuhers er talinn yfirvofandi!
Ég vísa til orđa Prigozhin, ţar um -- sbr. hvernig hann lýsir líklegum styrk ţeirrar árásar, sóknar. Ég sé ekkert í ţeim orđum Prigozhin, sem ekki er líklega rétt.
M.ö.o. ađ líklega verđi sókn Úkraínu, afar sterk - afar öflug.
Sbr. hans orđ, ţá hefur Úkraína nú fj. Vestrćnna skriđdreka, ásamt verulega miklum fjölda léttari brynvarinna tćkja.
--Ţar fyrir utan, er ţađ rétt ađ NATO hefur veriđ ađ ţjálfa Úkraínuher, í flóknum sóknarađgerđum -- ađ ţeirri ţjálfun er ekki lokiđ.

Ég hugsa ađ Prigozhin, hafi rétt fyrir sér -- er hann rökstyđur ţörf fyrir varnarstöđu.


Ég er hissa á hve mikiđ ég er sammála orđum Yevgeny Viktorovich Prigozhin, m.ö.o. ţ.e. alveg örugglega rétt, ađ Rússa-her ţurfi ađ frysta sóknar-ađgerđir a.m.k. um hríđ, ţar međ frysta stríđiđ af sinni hálfu; og taka varnarstöđu međfram gervallri víglínunni.
Upptalning Prigozhin á líklegum styrk sóknar Úkraínuhers, er áhugaverđ.
En ég er ekki ósammála ţví mati, tel ţađ líklega rétt!

M.ö.o. ađ sókn Úkraínu verđi afar öflug. Til muna öflugari, en sóknartilburđir Rússa sl. 6-8 mánuđi.

Ég ćtla ekki ađ spá endilega sigri. Hinn bóginn, efa ég ekki ađ Prigozhin hafi rétt fyrir sér međ ţann mikla stuđning NATO veiti nú Úkraínu.

Ţar af leiđandi, verđi ţessi sókn líklega afar afar öflug.

Ađ ég tel Prigozhin líklega fara međ rétt mál í ţeim atriđum.
Ţíđi ekki ég hafi nokkra samúđ yfir höfuđ međ ţeirri persónu.



Bloggfćrslur 23. apríl 2023

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Einar Björn Bjarnason


Einar Björn Bjarnason
Einar Björn Bjarnason
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